A Change of Life in This Change of Age™

A Change of Life in This Change of Age™
Explore transitioning into "second adulthood" (Sheehy 2006)
The late acclaimed Professor Emeritus of the Wharton School, Dr. Russell L. Ackoff, informed us twenty-five years ago that we were in the early stages of "a Change of Age: a collective and individual re-evaluation of the principles with which we make sense of our world".
This transition is full blown today; our world view is transforming from one theory of reality to another because problems that have challenged the validity of the current world view, cannot be solved within it (Ackoff, 1993). Simultaneously, scientific discovery is changing the perceived structure of it. Such was the case during the transition from Middle Ages to the Renaissance and now as we shift from the Machine Age to the Systems Age, the Age of Climate Change.
At the same time, those nearing or beyond 50 are in their personal transitions. Our very concepts about age and our abilities to enjoy active life in later years are anachronistic. After all, today we know it literally takes only 21 days to rewire the synapses in your brain. As long as we keep learning anew our agility continues. At least one million American baby boomers will pass the age of 100. Men have menopause! Neuro-scientists are proposing that there may be no limit to the adult human life cycle, etc.
How do we prepare for such a transition? We are all caught in our own realities and see our challenges based on that which we already know, outdated information. At the same time, we know we need to transition into a new life for this new age that does not look like the past. What is the theory of reality on which this new age is founded? How do we discover a new fulfillment? What will it take to achieve? From where can we generate a new enthusiasm?
A guided self-reflective individual journey about mindfully transitioning in to Second Adulthood that engages one to one generative dialogue and explores cutting edge thought and discovery.
Interactive multimedia presentations explore our individual and collective 'change of age', new paradigms of success and innovative thoughts on fulfillment in Second Adulthood. Individually customized reading and action learning journeys are undertaken between sessions.
Who will benefit?
Persons interested in preparing for and proactively engaging the transition or just beginning to search for your "way".
What is the objective?
A shift in perspective on this new age, a mindful journey of your own aliveness and a more fulfilling transition into "second adulthood".
The Catalyst and Guide
The Catalyst and Guide, Tara Kimbrell Cole, Founder and CEO, Synovations Pte. Ltd., is a master at catalyzing innovative thought, a consultant on and coach of transitions. For the last 14 years, she has been coaching transitions of leaders in the world's foremost corporations including Microsoft, DuPont, BHP Billiton, Standard Chartered Bank and of exceptional individuals leading independent lives.
Following a successful career as a chief executive, member of the board of directors, serial financial services innovator (patent grantee) and international entrepreneur, she founded companies helmed by the late Ambassador Evan G. Galbraith, former United States Department of Defense advisor to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the late Mr. Rodney D. Galpin, former chairman & CEO of Standard Chartered Bank and executive director of the Bank of England.
She then broadened that expertise with extensive education in organizational learning, psychology, human development, leadership and Asian philosophies.
She has been living in ASEAN for 28 years, 24 of which have been in Singapore.
An Alumna of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, with a Master's Degree in Professional Development (executive coaching)from Middlesex University, UK, Tara is the President and Boardchair of the Society for Organisational Learning (Singapore), aka SoL (Singapore), and a board member of the Global Association of SoL Communities (Global SoL).
She has been an approved consultant by the Council of Trustees of The Society for Organizational Learning (SoL), Cambridge, MA, USA, chaired by Peter Senge Ph.D. since 2007, and an International Coach Federation (ICF) credentialed coach, on which executive committee she served in Singapore.
Format and Duration
Total of six (6) sessions
Six (6) one-on-one coaching sessions
Duration: Ninety (90) minutes each session
Course Work
To insure optimal results, we provide Inter-session multimedia experiences, individually customized reading and learning journeys are undertaken between sessions.
Course Syllabus
Includes all links to multimedia experiences and online reading. Excluded are all books, which can be retrieved from a library or purchased separately.
Every learning journey program is customised for the individual.
Program commences according to each individual's schedule.
Individual session dates are at monthly +/- intervals, chosen by the participant (subject to Tara Kimbrell Cole's availability).
An 'on island' tropical retreat in an historic black and white house and garden on the edge of the lush rain forest jungle of McRitchie Reservoir, a 'shelter' of serenity in which to relax and reflect. Location and directions will be provided upon registration.
There is an option for a virtual program via an audio visual platform facilities.
The six (6) session program (course, coaching and consulting) at $775.00 per session.
Total: $4,650.00
Payment Options
Payment in Full
Two installments of Two Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Fifty ($2,325.00) per installment
Installment Payments must be made at least two (2) weeks prior to the first and fourth sessions and in any and all cases prior to the commencement of the respective sessions.
Let us know how we can help you.